The meaning of the term: ‘Nota bene’

The word 'Tsunami' is derived from which language?

"Opus-magnum" means :

The term 'Rendezvous' means ?

' Parsimonious ' means ?

My particular bete noire at school was nothing but mathematics. Find the meaning of 'Bete noire' ?

The foreign word 'patricide' means

The foreign word 'misogamist' means

The foreign word 'Pantheist' means

The foreign word 'Misotheist' means

'De gratia' means:

The foreign word 'Bon vivant' means

The pardon was a ..... for their help in releasing hostages.

The minister was very eager to visit the college because it was his _______.

The foreign word 'Bete noire' means

The foreign word 'Ad nauseam' means

The foreign word ' Veni, vidi, vici ' means:

The expression "vox populi" means:

"Sui generis" means:

'Prima facie' means

Which is the Latin word that means 'the most important work of an artist, writer etc' ?

' viz.' is the abbreviation of :

The foreign word 'pari passu' means

The meaning of the term: 'Per annum'

Meaning of the phrase 'sine die' is

John became the de facto ruler of England. (The underlined word means)