I'm not prepared to write the examination, _____?

Everyone passed the examination , _____?

Maneesh played tennis yesterday, _____ ?

Nobody saw it, _____ ?

Drinking and driving do not go together, ______?

None of the players came in time, _____ ?

Meena danced well, ______

I am studious,_________?

I am a grammarian, _____?

The post man comes twice a day,____?

There won’t be any trouble,_____?

You are handsome,......?

She went to the library yesterday,..............?

Hugh had a red car,.............?

Poor people hardly get loans from nationalised banks,........?

The post has come, ......?

They are going home from school, ..................?

Men don't have babies, do the...............?

The car isn't in the garage,................?

He is 80 years old,……?

She is very beautiful, .........?

Listen to me, please,..........?

Nobody knows, ...........?

Get me the phone, ..... ? .

Let us go for a walk ..... ? .

Don't be late for the class, ..... ? .

Nobody knows how to operate the new machine, _____ ?

Your brother is here, ..... ?.

None of the boys came in time ..... ?

Open the window,_____ ? (add question tag)

Chitra dances well, ..... ?

I am late, ...... ?

We can't trust everybody. .....?

Tomorrow is a holiday, ......?

He came yesterday,____?

Let's go for a walk._________we?

He was coming,_____? Choose the correct question tag .

Truth always triumphs,____?

Anju is not a good girl, _____?

They work hard,______?

Nobody was present in time ,..........?

They are always late, _______ ? Choose the suitable question tag.

Nothing will happen, __________ ?

Little progress has been made, _________ ?. Choose the suitable question tag.

Arun ate an apple, __________ ? Choose the correct question tag.

There is little water in the cup , ________ ? Choose suitable question tag.

I had my breakfast at 8'O clock, _______ ? Choose the correct question tag.

We need a house, _________ ? Choose the correct question tag.

I had a beautiful pen, ______? Choose the suitable question tag.

they went to a film,……?